Vision! One of the most important aspects that lead you into consistency and unwavering passion so that you could pursue what you always craved to pursue. Your vision is that potion of happiness that keeps you uplifted and upright towards making the most of everything you can at every point in life. It makes you feel motivated because now you have a grand objective in the future, therefore, you can’t back down in any case. This objective could be an individual achievement or a venture.

When I first started in the relocation industry, I was not at all welcomed. I was young, treated as an underdog, and thought of as someone born with a silver spoon; a child with a family legacy to pursue. But I always had a vision of bringing success to my “first child”, i.e., my organization. And vision kept me afloat amidst all the challenges. My team (then) had no expectations or respect for me other than the fact that I was the boss's daughter. And rightly so, because I hadn't accomplished anything to become the leader they would look up to. The industry was full of veterans, and it still is, with competition striking from all angles. I couldn't find anyone my age and with my personality anywhere in the industry.

I went on to discover my calling by "impacting the lives of those around me and providing stress-free end-to-end relocation solutions to my customers." Much was untapped earlier, and the industry was still in its infancy. Even now, relocation is not considered an industry as a whole, but rather a component of everything else.

While climbing the growth curve, we discovered various challenges such as not only sourcing people and breaking stereotypes, but also motivating people and creating a unique culture that people would want to join despite their unconventional origins. Where others saw impassable barriers, I accepted the challenge to embrace the obstacle and work to strengthen my team while encouraging them to see the vision I saw for our organization. And I believe this is what stands most important. When in a venture, or working with a team, one needs to make his/ her team understand the vision and look forward to it as one does himself/ herself. But how to do that?

Through Passion:

I wouldn't have made it through the day if this wasn't my calling. I wouldn't have been happy relocating if it didn't make me feel like I was a game-changer in my own right. Nothing beats a burning desire to pursue what truly inspires you. As a result, we ensure that at the firm, we are a group of passionate people who work together to achieve a common goal of positively impacting the lives of those who are associated with us in any manner. Whether it's our co-workers, our customers, or clients, we make working here a pleasurable experience. So, it’s always important to encourage your team. Let them always remember that the only manner in which one may do great work is by “loving” what they do.

Through Intent:

The most important aspect of doing anything in life is the motivation behind it. My motivation for becoming an entrepreneur has been very clear, and I discovered it a long time ago. It is critical to collaborate with your team so that they understand the purpose of (intent behind) their work. It is critical to have the intent to succeed to be clear and to create an environment that invites criticism and allows members to share. If someone has the right intentions, they will always have the right people to support them in their growth stories.

By Creating Leaders:

One should inspire their team to be leaders rather than followers. Because management cannot physically influence every individual working with them, it is critical to provide them with appropriate understanding and resources for them to be better team managers and leaders. One must not only lead by example but also teach their immediate team to start leading with the right examples so that the company's vision reaches everyone.

By Rewarding & Appreciating:

It is critical to recognize and reward your employees, no matter how big or small. This way, you can prove to yourself that you are the same person you were when you began your journey. Because as the company grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to interact with and reach out to each individual. As a result, one must empower people and teams so that managers can establish the same chain for their teams. Because if you keep rewarding people at the right time for the right efforts, they will realize the value of the same and that the company is always thinking about its employees.

By Sharing Experiences:

It is critical to continue sharing experiences and feedback with your team. No matter if they are successes or failures. This is critical because only then will people realize the value of their contribution to the company's overall journey. If something goes wrong, make them a part of the story. If you don't include them, they won't feel included. Similarly, when you are successful, you should share it with your team so that they feel as much a part of the success story as you do. Also, celebrate every success together when you’ve also worked together to achieve it.

Therefore, keep the aforementioned points in mind when treating your team. They will help the company know, understand, belong, and take into consideration your vision like it's their own.