Knowing when to start your child on solid food is an important and sometimes tricky proposition. Starting too early could pose the risk of choking whereas starting too late may mean not providing your child with vital building blocks for growth and development. The suggestions in this article are with the assumption that the baby has been breastfed in the first 6 months - something which is of critical importance.

A whole lot of questions that moms often field is about when to introduce their children to solid foods. When you finally do introduce your infant to solids, here are 5 important foods you can add to their diets that have proven cognitive and physical boosting qualities! Please note that the information in this article is just based on my experiences as a parent and is purely advisory. Please contact your doctor or paediatrician for any specific diet or plans that may be required for your child.


First on our list are Bananas - rich in vitamins and minerals and also easy to consume. This fruit is an ideal solid food starter for your child as it's soft enough to mash, naturally sweet and loaded with vital nutrients. On a side note, monitor your baby's excrement and see if the bananas are causing adverse reactions such as constipation (due to the lack of fibre).


Another great food for your baby is an assortment of healthy soups, packed with easy roughage and nutrients. Here are a couple of points to note when you are giving your baby soup - wash the vegetables thoroughly, there's no need to add salt as babies don't require too much before their first year, check the temperature carefully before feeding your child and serve the soup fresh within 1 hour of its preparation.

Raggi Porridge:

A rich source of calcium, fibre, and natural iron, raggi is an incredible food that can be fed to babies from month 6 onwards. It is said that raggi is a weight gaining agent too, that can work well for children who are below their average weight according to their age (as it prevents anemia in children). Prepare this in porridge form and use formula milk if the recipe demands it.


With similar vital nutrients and benefits found in raggi, oats have the added advantage of being easier to digest and keeping the baby satiated longer. If prepared with milk or with mushy vegetables, either savory or sweet oats can be very nourishing for your infant.

Mashed Veggies:

There is no better way to administer the right vitamins and minerals to your baby than through mashed vegetables. Although not a favorite dish for babies that are still developing a taste for them, vegetables are superfoods in their own regards. Add veggie mash to your infant's diet intermittently after having made sure none of the vegetables are left in a solid-state, which may cause choking or indigestion. Consider a mash of peas, cauliflower and other softer vegetables that are easier to consume and have a smooth texture.